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United Futbol Academy


Arsenal Camp


Arsenal Football Development camps are an exclusive opportunity for boys and girls U7 & Up to experience the methodology of one of the world’s most successful clubs. Official Arsenal coaches conduct training sessions that come directly from the famed Arsenal academy. Players enjoy insider access to the proven methods Arsenal use to develop its own youth talent.


A group of people playing footballDescription automatically generated

Philosophy/Camp Programme


From players embarking on their footballing journey to high-performance players, the Arsenal Soccer Camps cater to all abilities while ensuring that each player develops on and off the pitch in a nurturing and enjoyable environment while learning to ‘Play the Arsenal Way.

Arsenal Football Development Philosophy/Training Programme 

Our camp model is built around our Strong Young Gunner model, with 4 distinct development areas: effective team players, efficient movers, lifelong learners and champion mentality. This is the same model utilised by our academy, led by Per Mertesacker.  Our coaching team is trained to tailor the model to each audience we engage with. Our Strong Young Gunner model is used throughout the club to develop young people and players. We believe it leads to holistic development and ensures young people develop life skills as well as football skills.

Each session is delivered to develop players to become the best they can be and inspire a lifelong passion for the sport. Arsenal Football Development’s training programme is based on teaching young gunners the same techniques, skills and Game IQ our academy players learn at our official Arsenal Youth Academy at Hale End and is designed to give players an understanding of what it takes to play for Arsenal.

Strong Young Gunner

  1. Effective Team Player - Technical and Tactical Solutions.
  • Players will learn how to improve their technical ability and tactical prowess which will be guided by the Arsenal Football Development coaches. Players will be coached:
  • Ball Mastery, Dribbling, 1v1
  • Defending, Pressing
  • Transitions - Counter attacking and Counter Pressing
  • Passing and Receiving Skills
  • Creating chances and finishing
  • General decision making and ball striking
  1. Efficient Mover - Ability to move well and sustain throughout.   
  • Players will be trained on how to become an efficient mover which is being the best football specific athlete they can be. Football Fitness is all about creating athletes who are fine tuned to every demand of the modern game. This consists of:
    • Agility 
    • Speed
    • Balance 
    • Footwork
    • Coordination
    • CV Endurance
    • Sprint Repeatability
    • Functional Movement
  1. Lifelong Learner - Adopt a learning mindset to seek consistent and continuous improvement.
    • We will encourage players to adopt a lifelong leaning ethos where they will remain curious, be eager to learn and always find ways to develop themselves. We want to develop the person as well as the player through:
  • A growth mindset
  • Self-Reflection
  • Learning how to be a team player
  1. Champion Mentality – Seize each moment to maximise your potential.
  • Our coaches will educate players to be driven to improve, challenge and win.
    • Improve: Players that commit everything they have to improve.
    • Challenge: People that seek out challenges and challenge those around them. 
    • Win: Players who are people that understand what it takes to win, by applying themselves like a champion, before they have ever won a thing.
  • We want to produce football leaders on the pitch, in the dressing room and in life and in doing so we believe that every choice, behaviour and day matters.

Camp Programme

SYG Model

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Session Type

Strong Young Gunner Session

Game Day

Effective Team Player

Ball Mastery,

Dribbling & 


Possession Principles:

Passing & Receiving


Counter Press & Counter Attack  

Create & Finish the Attack:

Decision Making & 

Ball Striking

Game Day

Efficient Mover




Sprint Repeatability



CV Endurance





Sprint Repeatability




CV Endurance


Functional Movement

Lifelong Leaner

Growth Mindset


Learning how to be a Team Player

Champion Mentality

Every Choice,

Behaviour & 

Day Matters

*Terminology will be catered to the age group

Questions? Contact us at camps_clinics@unitedfa.org.

Weather Policy
Sessions may be rescheduled due to bad weather.

UFA has a no-refund policy. 

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