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United Futbol Academy


Referee Program



Linda Hughes, Referee Assignor

Cell (770) 361-0017

Denise Heim, Director of Referee Development & Training
Cell (404) 245-2421

Denise Heim, Referee Assignor

Cell (404) 245-2421

Sarah Howell, Referee Assignor


Weather Hotline: (844) GoToUFA or (844) 468-6832 

UFA Referee Training:
Forsyth Certified Ref Training Sign Up
Forsyth In-House Ref Training Sign Up
Mountains Ref Training Sign Up
Norcross Ref Training Sign Up


UFA has in the past enjoyed plenty of game officials for our games, however we are currently experiencing a referee labor shortage. Soccer is a growing sport and, as the sport grows, the demand for referees grows. The state of Georgia has less than half of the certified officials it had this time last year. This is a statewide issue that affects all clubs.

There are a few ways you can help in this matter. Anyone over the age of 13 can be certified. UFA also offers an In-House Referee Academy program for young players between the ages of 10-15 . This means we can assign you to the younger recreational games and you receive payment without needing to be officially certified. We still encourage all to get certified (once you are 13 years old), as there are many rules/laws with which you may not be familiar. 

Referees are considered private contractors who can choose which location, what time, what day, and what club they work for. This means the schedule is very flexible. Additionally, pay is $20-$80/game depending upon position, age group and play level. Referees are paid bi-weekly. 

Certified referees will need to purchase an official uniform kit. Officialsports.comAmazon.comRefereestore.com and more have starter kits available.

UFA In-House Referees will be provided a UFA Referee shirt and only need to purchase a watch and whistle. To become an In-House Referee, please complete our form here.

Sign up for referee training at the links below:
Forsyth Certified Ref Training Sign Up
Forsyth In-House Ref Training Sign Up
Mountains In-House Ref Training Sign Up 
Norcross In-House Ref Training Sign Up

UFA Referee Support Team:

Linda Hughes, Referee Assignor
Cell (770) 361-0017

Denise Heim, Director of Referee Development & Training
Cell (404) 245-2421

For Questions, please contact us at referee@unitedfa.org. Get Certified, then Get Assigned! Once you've gotten your certification, make sure to contact us to get assigned to games at UFA. 

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