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United Futbol Academy


The Sideline Project

Feb 28, 2024

Join The Sideline Project Movement!
Take the course here.

The Sideline Project is a movement to improve youth sports sidelines!  We invite all our club parents, coaches, referees, administrators, and spectators to take The Sideline Project Course and add your name to the virtual pledge wall. A Guide for level-headed youth soccer parents and coaches interested in learning more about what we can all do to improve the sidelines, this Guide is designed to give you added perspective and understanding about sideline behavior.

Just 15 minutes of your time for a healthier, empowering sideline so your child will be inspired!  

Click here to take the course.
Don't have your free membership yet, register here.

Join the Soccer Parent Resource Center!


UFA understands the importance of engaging and educating soccer parents and has therefore secured a club-wide membership to the Soccer Parent Resource Center, the parent education platform from the Soccer Parenting Association. This partnership will provide you with complete and free access to the interviews, articles, webinars, videos, courses and an amazing community of level-headed parents. To activate your free membership, click hereUFA will run various campaigns on different subjects, so to avoid duplicate emails from Soccer Parent Resource Center, feel free to unsubscribe from their list and we will keep you informed.
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