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United Futbol Academy



REC FAQ- Forsyth

Do you need prior experience to sign up for recreational soccer?

No skill level requirement at any age, i.e. we will have children of all levels participating on each team in our Recreational program. We have developed a system that provides both a fun and productive environment for players at all levels.

When is registration?

Registration for the fall season begins May 1st.  We offer an early bird discount for players that register and complete payment by May 31st.  Regular registration ends July 15th.  Beginning July 16th a late fee of $25 applies.

Registration for the spring season begins November 1st.  We offer an early bird discount for players that register and complete payment by November 30th.  Regular registration ends January 15th for the spring season.  Beginning January 16th a late fee of $25 applies. 

When will someone contact us after registration?

Coaches will begin contacting their teams immediately following the Recreational Coaches Meetings.  If you have not heard from a coach before your team practice starts, please contact your Recreational Age Group Coordinator (AGC).  The AGC list can be found on our website at the following link:  UFA Age Group Coordinators

When does the season start?

The first game of the fall season is the weekend after Labor Day, and the first game of the spring season is the first week of March.

When do the teams start practicing?

Practices begin late-August/early-September for the fall season and mid-February for the spring season. 

What age group will my player participate in?

Our registration system will automatically place your child in their appropriate age group based on this Age Group Chart.  The “U” associated with an age group stands for “under."

Can I make a Special Request for team placement? 

Although we try to honor player requests received before July 15 for the fall season and January 15 for the spring season, we also strive for parity among the teams to maximize the enjoyment for all players involved.  Please note, all Special Requests will be considered, but are not guaranteed. When registering for our Recreational Program, you are registering specifically for the program and not to play on a certain team and/or with a certain player.

Can my player play up an age group?

Generally, players will play in their own age group, but occasionally players will want to play up an age group.   Any player wishing to play up to the next age group must first be assessed and approved by the Recreational Director by the assessment date at the latest.  To have your child assessed, please contact Jeff at jeff@unitedfa.org.  If approved, the Recreational Director will then go into the registration database and move the player to the division they will be playing up to.

Can my player play down an age group?

No, per US Club and US Youth Soccer Rules and Regulations, no players are allowed to play down an age group, regardless of size, skill or handicaps.  Even if a doctor’s excuse is received requesting that the player play down an age group, we still would not be able to grant that request.

What are assessments and why are they necessary?

Unfortunately, when coaches, players and/or parents begin choosing whole teams, the teams can become unbalanced, which isn't much fun and defeats the purpose of our Recreational Program.  This is the reason we hold assessments prior to each season.  Assessments are not tryouts.  We make every attempt to form balanced teams to ensure every team is able to compete, however in order to accomplish this objective it is imperative that all players (returning and new) attend assessments.  The assessment process aids us in identifying each registrant's play level so that we will have accurate information during team formation.  This information is particularly important in helping us grant special requests.  Also, we do not break up existing teams, but use the information identified in the assessments to fill any open spots on teams with the appropriate level player to help balance the teams.

What happens if my player doesn't attend assessments?

If for any reason you are unable to attend the assessments on either of the official Assessment Days, please contact Jeff Salas at jeff@unitedfa.org to arrange for an early assessment.  If your child isn't seen early or does not attend assessments on the official Assessment Day, it could negatively affect their assignment to a team or the assignment of players to their team.  If we do not assess your child, we are left to guess at their ability and can only assume they are an "A" player, which again could negatively affect the team assignment. 

Are the teams coed?

Teams are coed for the U5 and U6 divisions.  Beginning with U7 and up, the teams are gender specific. The only time that UFA will put together a coed team is if there are not enough participants in a specific age group, which happens occasionally in the U19 age group, but if the boys and girls do need to be placed together to form a team, all parents will be notified first and given the option to remove their player from the program.

What is the cost?

U3 Kick Start:  $126

U4 Mini League:  $126

U5, U6, U7 and U8 Rec League:  $146 plus Field Usage and Volunteer fees

U10, U12, U14, U16 and U19 Rec League:  $176 plus Field Usage and Volunteer fees

What is included in the participation fee?

Governing body/league registration and insurance, County field usage fees, referee fees, league administration, and a minimum of (8) games for U5 -U19 age groups.

What equipment will my player need?

Each player should have:

  • Official UFA Uniform Kit
  • Shin guards 
  • Turf Shoes or Soccer Cleats - turf shoes can be worn during games, however we recommend each player wear soccer cleats. 
  • Age appropriate soccer ball - U5, U6, U7 and U8 divisions use a size 3 soccer ball. U10 & U12 use a size 4 soccer ball. U14, U16 and U19 use a size 5 soccer ball. 
  • Water and/or sports drink. 
  • Sunscreen is recommended for warm months.

What are turf shoes versus soccer cleats?

Soccer cleats generally have about 9 or so large studs for traction.  Turf shoes generally have 20 – 30 (or more) tiny rubber nubs for traction.  Turf shoes are intended for hard ground but are much easier on grass fields than cleats.

What is the uniform process?

The uniform ordering process and uniform fee will be completely separate from the program registration and fee. Our recreational uniforms are intended to be used for three seasonal years. Our 3 seasonal years will run from Fall 2023 to Spring 2026. Parents will be required to purchase the kit through the Lloyds online Uniform Store once they’ve received an invite after completing their player’s registration. Players returning from the fall 2023, spring 2024 and/or fall 2024 season, that previously ordered the full uniform kit, are not required to order a new kit, but can order replacement items as needed. Please note, you need to order your player’s uniform as soon as you receive an email from Lloyds Soccer (orders@LloydsSoccer.com) with ordering instructions. Delaying the order may result in your player not having a uniform in time for the first game of the season. Click here for more information on uniform sizing and the ordering process.
Who will coach my player’s team?
Recreational coaches are parents that volunteer to coach a team.  Each season volunteer parent coaches are in great demand.  Our intent is to provide as many players as possible the opportunity to play, therefore every season UFA has to search for additional people to coach because there are never enough coaches to cover all of the teams.  Prior coaching and/or soccer experience is not required...all you need to be able to coach is some organizational skills and a willingness to help. 
Where will my player practice?

Practices will be held at Central Park, Matt Community Park, Polo Field and South Forsyth Soccer Complex.  Teams will have all their practices at the park of their team’s practice park preference. The practice park assignment and team assignment is based on the practice park preference selected during your registration.

What day and/or time will my player’s team practice?

The practice schedule by field can be found on the Recreational Seasonal Info page.  To view, please click here: Rec Seasonal Info page.  This schedule may be modified as deemed necessary according to field availability and needs by the club.

Where will the soccer games be played?

U5 – U12 Home games will be played at ANY of our UFA Forsyth fields.  The park and field availability are assessed prior to each season and a decision on game location for the teams in each age group and park will be determined.  

U14 – U19 Home games will be played at ANY of our UFA Forsyth fields.  Please note, the U14, U16 and U19 age groups are scheduled inter-league between neighboring clubs, so please anticipate some traveling on the weekends for some games.

When will the soccer games be played?

Most games are on Saturdays. Saturday games may start as early as 8:00 am and can be played as late as 8:30 pm.  Teams may have some games on Sundays with all Sunday Home games starting at 1:00 pm or later when scheduled at UFA.

When will the game schedule be available?

The full season game schedule should be available 1 – 2 weeks prior to the first game.  The only exception may be the U14 and above divisions.  Because we coordinate with neighboring clubs, the full game schedule may not be available until the week of the first game.

How many games will the teams have?

All teams are guaranteed to have 8 games during the season. 

How do I check field status for games/practices?

UFA has a field status hotline (844) 468-6832 ext 701; however, the most expeditious way to learn of field closings will be to check our website.  The field status is on our Northside Field Status page. The website is updated daily by 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. on game days.

What is Fast Track? 

A demanding training program, “Fast Track Training Program” will not only challenge its participants during sessions, but will also specifically require players to keep perfecting their skills through extra work at home. The focus will be on acquiring and mastering proper basic soccer skills, crucial for the Academy level.  In addition to the usual one practice a week on their recreational team, a more intense training will be held once a week by a UFA staff trainer.

  • 1 hour/week practice
  • 8 week training program
  • Fees are $120.00 ($15.00 per session)

*This program is not a guarantee to move up to the Academy, but an opportunity to be exposed to a higher level of training.  Fast Track is for U7 & above UFA Recreational players who are interested in a more serious and intense training program. If interested, please contact Jeff Salas or your Age Group Coordinator.

What if I need a refund?

UFA has a No Refund Policy with the following being the ONLY exceptions:  the player becomes injured to the point that they are unable to participate for the remainder of the season and/or a majority of the season, and presents a doctor's note.  The doctor's note must be on official letterhead, indicate the injury and show that the injury will prevent your child from participating for a certain period of time (beginning date through end date).  In which case, the refund will be prorated.  The other exception is the season has begun and we are unable to place your child on a team.

What happens if my child is placed on the Waitlist?

The number of teams in each age group is determined by the number of registrants in said age group.  A waitlist occurs when we have enough registrants to fill the roster for each team in the age group.  Upon registration, if a player is placed on the waitlist, every attempt is made to place that player by forming new teams if at all possible.  The more players we have on the waitlist, the easier it is to form new teams.  If upon registration you see that your player will be placed on the waitlist, we encourage you to please proceed with your registration.

Does UFA offer financial assistance?

Scholarship applications are available.  All scholarships are confidential and require all proper paperwork to accompany the application before being considered.  Further information on scholarships can be found on our website at the following link:  UFA Financial Aid Page.  The scholarship application can be found in your account under Available Programs once you've created a family account in our registration system.

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